Pelajari beberapa kutipan motivasi dari para trader yang telah sukses di pasar.. Berikut adalah daftar quotes menarik oleh John Paulson yang akan memberi Anda inspirasi. Dia disebut sebagai "salah satu nama paling menonjol di bidang keuangan" dan "seseorang yang telah membuat salah satu kekayaan terbesar dalam sejarah Wall Street".

John Paulson

Daftar lengkap kutipan trading quotes oleh John Paulson:

“No one strategy is correct all the time.” ― John Paulson

“I had to swallow my pride, buckle down the hatches, and just be patient.”― John Paulson

"Many investors make the mistake of buying high and selling low while the exact opposite is the right strategy to outperform over the long term."― John Paulson

“Investors that do the best, and have done the best, are those that stay and compound at above-average rates over the long term.” ― John Paulson

“Our goal is not to outperform all the time – that’s not possible. We want to outperform over time.” ― John Paulson

"Sometimes it’s difficult to interpret the markets." ― John Paulson

"We’re not going to play a winning hand every day." ― John Paulson


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